Engage customers and retain them with better insights

Enrich your CRM, sustainably retain customers, collect reviews, and target them with marketing campaigns.

Manager of a specialty store with a customer plus customer data

Over 600 brands trust us

Your storefront at its best


Increase in loyal customers


Increase in marketing opt-ins


Increase in Google reviews collected


SMS open rate



Enhance your customer database with qualified data

Increase your opt-in rate

Capture complete and error-free data via a digital form.

Save time at checkout

Relieve your sellers with the form filled out independently by the customers.

Digitize the customer card via wallet

Offer a seamless experience with the customer ID card in the mobile wallet.

Collect positive Google reviews

Improve your Google ranking through reviews to attract more customers.

Talk to an expert
Screenshot of a sign-up form with fields for entering personal data


Turn every visit into a lasting relationship

Deploy a loyalty program

Create a loyalty program or integrate the existing one with our tool.

Reward to the nearest euro

Give more points to customers who spend more in your store.

Send targeted campaigns

Activate your customers by sending personalized SMS and push notifications.

Offer an omnichannel program

Allow your customers to earn points for their online and in-store purchases.

Talk to an expert
Screenshot of a modular digital loyalty program on an orange background


Smooth payment with the digital receipt

Improve your customer experience

Dematerialize your receipts and card slips without registration or downloading.

Make the receipt a Marketing tool

Use the digital receipt as a communication platform for your customers.

Talk to an expert
Digital receipt


A 5% increase in retention rate increases profits by +25% for the store

Keeping your customers loyal is a winning investment for your store. Source: Bain & Company.

Request a demo


Our solutions designed for specialty stores

Icon representing a statistical graph

Enrichment of the client file

Increase your opt-in rate and save your in-store teams time.

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Icon of a white heart

Loyalty program

Turn visitors into loyal customers with an engaging loyalty program.

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Icon of a receipt

Receipts and credit card slips

Dematerialize receipt and bank card slips, accessible on your customers' smartphones.

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Icon of a notification bell

Wallet and push notifications

Send personalized push notifications and digitalize your loyalty card with the wallet.

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Star icon

Google reviews

Collect more reviews to boost your online visibility.

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Customer testimonials

They trust us


The dematerialization of receipts is a real asset, both in terms of environmental impact and for simplifying the customer journey. Billiv is also a great marketing tool for our stores, maximizing the collection of customer reviews and enhancing their digital visibility.

Logo Skiset

Thomas D.

Digital Marketing Director, Skiset


Billiv has transformed our receipts into a genuine strategic tool for engagement and loyalty, allowing us to offer a smooth checkout experience for customers and saving time for our staff.

Logo du bruit dans la cuisine

Simon T.

Operations Manager, Du Bruit dans la Cuisine


Thanks to Billiv, we have increased the number of Google reviews from our customers by 12 times. Our online visibility has increased and these positive reviews have attracted even more customers to our stores.

Logo CF7

Cédric C.

Manager, CF7 - Belfort


After 18 months of use, I have gained customer loyalty and of course an impact on my turnover. Billiv is an all-in-one solution: no more paper cards or receipts to print. An associated loyalty program that I can manage as I wish with many features. It's simple, practical, and my customers are delighted!!!

Logo CBD'eau

Fabienne F.

Manager, CBD’Eau - Riom

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Drive your Business

Screenshot of a Dashboard analyzing the customer base of a specialty store

Analyze your store's performance

Track usage statistics and the impact of the solution in your points of sale.

Customize the client interface

Configure the tool in real time: data collection form, loyalty program, integrations, etc.

Send Marketing campaigns

Segment your customer file based on purchase habits and send targeted marketing campaigns.


Book a demo with an expert

Discover how Billiv can help you to:

  • Collect qualified customer data effortlessly
  • Automatically retain your store's customers
  • Become #1 on Google thanks to reviews

Contact us


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